Theresa Pearl
Home Up Ethel Marian (Sis) Robert Thomas Archibald (John) Violet Isabel Theresa Pearl Russell William


Theresa Pearl

Generally known as Pearl, life began in 1886 and Pearl died in 1953. Not a great deal is known of Pearl's life but she worked for many years in country NSW. She was also known as Pearl Simpson.

Pearl had a son, Wallace, born in 1917 - he is now 85 and lives with his wife Bettie on the south coast of NSW. They have three daughters, one son, several grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Although a fitter and turner by trade, like so many other Hawkless descendants, Wal seems to also have an affinity with timber - borne out by his wonderful model ships - a couple of photos taken during a visit in September 2002 will give you an idea of the scale and a shot of his "workbench".

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Pearl (on the right in the photo) with her elder sister Marian (Sis).

Pearl's sister Sis with two of Pearl's grandchildren


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Pearl's son Wallace pictured in 1942. He served in the 2/13th A.E.M.E. Milne Bay Fortress Workshop: 8th Adv. Workshops

Wal and Bettie - September 2002, south coast of NSW

One of Wal's model ships - Endeavour

Wal's workbench with a model in progress